BuildTak BuildTak 3D Printer Build Surface 6.5" Diameter (Pack of 3)

BuildTak printing sheets are a terrific upgrade for any 3D printer. These sheets make both adhesion and removal of 3D printed parts a breeze. BuildTak is an ideal 3D printing surface for a number of materials including PLA, ABS, HIPS, PET, LAYWOO-D3, LAYBRICK, TPE, Ninjaflex, Taulman 910, Nylon 230, Bluprint, PCTPE, and many more!

List Price: $20.99
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Product No. M-3ZT-7DC5

Size: 6.5" Diameter (165.1mm Diameter)
Compatible 3D Printers include: SeeMeCNC Orion, other Delta printers

**Check out all the available shapes and sizes of the BuildTak family here!**


BuildTak printer sheets have been a favorite 3D printing surface for a variety of materials for over two years. These adhesive sheets come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so that they can be easily added to almost any 3D printer’s bed. BuildTak sheets offer excellent adhesion during 3D printing, and effortless removal of your finished 3D printed parts afterwards. They are a great alternative to PEI or Kapton tape, and BuildTak is THE surface of choice for 3D printing with Nylon and t-glase filaments, as they are compatible with glue stick.

After prolonged use, you may find that you need to clean your BuildTak surface with some isopropyl alcohol to renew its adhesion abilities. If your BuildTak sheet becomes damaged, just replace it with a new one!


Level up your 3D printing game to it’s highest potential by combining BuildTak sheets with the removable magnetic base BuildTak FlexPlate System! Instead of reaching into your 3D printer and removing parts there, you can now remove your FlexPlate from the entire print bed along with your finished 3D printed part. Take your FlexPlate and finished part to your chosen workspace, bend the FlexPlate in any direction, and your 3D print should effortlessly pop off of the BuildTak print surface. This simple upgrade to your 3D printer can make a world of difference. Once you experience the ease of using a FlexPlate with BuildTak, you’ll never want to print on anything else. Extra FlexPlates allow for even greater efficiency and versatility--grab one FlexPlate off the 3D printer bed, immediately attach another, and start printing again!

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do I need to do anything to the surface of the BuildTak PEI before printing?

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How thick is the sheet?

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Is there a reason why three are shipped vs five on the (BuildTak) site.

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Is there a bed temperature limit on this PEI sheet?

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Is there a protective layer on both sides of the pei sheet? Or is the only thing that needs to be removed on the printing side the sticker that says "remove before printing"?

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Completely useless in the whatever units you are using. What is it in metric?

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Do sheets already have adhesive to stick to bed?

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Do you still need to use something like ABS juice when printing ABS with this, or is this sheet enough to get good bed adhesion?

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Can these sheets be cut to size? I have a Bibo2 with a glass plate, 8.4" x 7.3".

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So i bought the BuildTak 3D Printer PEI Build Surface 9" x 10" (Pack of 3). I didn't know that it wasn't a plate. My question is would you advise i put the surface on my current build teck plate or buy a new plate to put these surfaces on. ( will the new surface destroy the build tech surface that comes on the plate originally? )

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