Carbide 3D Carbide 3D PCB Machining Kit

Everyone loves to talk about the big projects that Shapeoko and Nomad can take on, but don't forget the tiny, delicate work these machines are also capable of. This kit includes everything you need to create your own custom PCB (printed circuit board) projects for cosplay, home improvement or any other project that needs electronics.

List Price: $130.00
Price: $120.00
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Product No. M-JSM-3E7C

Make your own circuit boards!

Sometimes electronics projects are more complex than just hooking an LED up to a resistor and battery, sometimes you need more robust mounting and power distribution that requires a circuit board. This pack is the one stop addon to get you everything you need. Single and dual sided PCB's, engravers and drills, and strong double sided tape to hold your PCB down while you are carving on it.

Engravers for traces, drills for mounting holes

This kit includes raw circuit boards in both 2x3" and 4x6" sizes but also variants that are single and double sided. If you need traced on both sides of a board the double sided option is perfect and with the included drills you can create mounting holes for LED's, switches, potentiometer's, or any other sensor.

Whats in the box?

  • 10x 2x3" Single Sided FR1
  • 10x 2x3" Double Sided FR1
  • 10x 4x6" Single Sided FR1
  • 10x 4x6" Doubld Sided FR1
  • 1 Roll Double Sided Tape
  • 2x #501 PCB Engraver
  • 2x #502 PCB Engraver
  • PCB Drill Variety Pack - includes 10 drills from 0.3mm to 1.2mm
  • PCB Drill Standard Pack - includes 10 drills:
    • 3x 0.5mm
    • 5x 0.7mm
    • 2x 0.9mm

Note - all drills have a 1/8" shank, make sure you have the right collet!

Please note: Carbide 3D products are no longer eligible for the redemption or accrual or MatterHackers Rewards.


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