Carbide3D Carbide 3D Shapeoko 3 / 4 / Pro / HDM BitZero V2

The Shapeoko CNC Router is an incredible machine that expands your creative opportunities to include subtractive manufacturing of materials like wood, foam, plastic, and even soft metals. These are precision machines and as such need accurate calibration - enter the BitZero touch probe. With this add-on your Shapeoko can automatically detect bit length for precision operation.

The V2 has been expanded and improved in every way, from the redesigned profile, allowing for larger projects and tool diameters, to the clip-less magnetic ground connection, and even an insulated base to allow conductive materials to be probed. BitZero makes your CNC work easier and more efficient in every way.

Please note this version of the BitZero V2 is not compatible with the Shapeoko 5.

List Price: $120.00
Price: $120.00
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Product No. M-HLS-R7D0

Enhance Your Shapeoko Experience with Automatic Calibration

The Shapeoko BitZero V2 touch probe enables workpiece calibration in all three axes for a smooth, easy start to your CNC project. The touch probe rests perfectly on the corner of your stock thanks to a cutout on the bottom for proper alignment. Your Shapeoko will then touch the installed carving bit on the top of the touch probe to not only establish correct tool length but also to measure the height of your stock. Next the Shapeoko will touch the carving bit to the sides of the probe to establish the correct X and Y location of your stock material. Once the BitZero calibration completes, you are ready to begin your project!

What's in the Box?

If you already have a Shapeoko, or are ordering one now, this item is all you need to include automatic calibration.

  • BitZero with attached cable
  • Adapter to connect probe to controller board
  • 1/4" tool flute reference pin

The probe attaches to the controller board of your Shapeoko and the grounding connection attaches automatically to the the controller enclosure - easy to install when you have the enclosure open to connect the probe cables!

Please note that BitZero V2 requires Carbide Motion 5.14 or higher.

Hardware Compatibility: Shapeoko 3, Shapeoko 4, Shapeoko Pro

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how does the Pulse XE compare to this printer for NylonX or other Nylon with glass or CF? and what about TPU or TPE? how does this printer compare to the Pulse XE? Do you have an enclosed heated chamber Pulse? Where is this and the Pulse printers made?

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Can this printer (Creality3D CR-5 Pro H) successfully print TPU and TPE filament.

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