GeckoTek GeckoTek EZ-Stik Cold Build Surface (Single Sheet) 250mm x 220mm

3D printing bed adhesion problems are a thing of the past with GeckoTek’s EZ-Stik 3D printer Build Surfaces! GeckoTek EZ-Stik Build Surface sheets provide excellent layer adhesion while heated during the 3D printing process, and will allow finished 3D printed parts to be effortlessly released after cooling thanks to GeckoTek’s Advanced Coating Technology. Simply cut your EZ-Stik Build Surface sheet to the exact size of your 3D printer’s bed with scissors, peel, stick the sheet’s adhesive backing to your build platform, and start 3D printing right away! GeckoTek EZ-Stik Build Surface Sheets are compatible with ABS, PLA, PETs, Nylons, composites, and more!

Availability: Currently Unavailable
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Product No. M-USH-LSPP
EZ-Stik Sheet Size (mm) (3-pack): 160mm x 160mm
160mm x 160mm
200mm x 200mm
220mm x 220mm
247mm x 160mm
250mm x 235mm
300mm x 300mm
350mm x 350mm


Thanks to GeckoTek’s Advanced Coating Technology, GeckoTek EZ-Stik Build Surfaces provide unparalleled first layer adhesion to maximize the success of your 3D print job and minimize warping. First layer adhesion is crucial to the success of a 3D print job because all following layers build upon the first layer. No need to squish the first layer of your 3D print against the bed, because GeckoTek EZ-Stik Build Surfaces are designed to reliably prevent peeling of even the most difficult of parts.


After your 3D print job is completed and the heated bed on your 3D printer has cooled, the Advanced Coating Technology on your GeckoTek EZ-Stik Build Surface sheet allows for simple and effortless part removal--even the most delicate 3D printed parts will release with ease! GeckoTek EZ-Stik Build Surface sheets are compatible with spring steel FlexPlate solutions and contribute to the easiest possible 3D printed part removal experience.


GeckoTek’s EZ-Stik Build Surface sheets are durable and designed to last. As long as proper care instructions are followed, your EZ-Stik sheet should last over 100 prints without losing adhesion capabilities. This makes EZ-Stik sheets a valuable upgrade to any 3D printer.


GeckoTek EZ-Stik sheets are easy to trim down to size with regular household scissors in order to create a custom fit for your exact 3D printer model. See installation instructions below for more details. Not only will EZ-Stik sheets work with any 3D printer, but they are compatible with all of your favorite 3D printing materials including PLA, ABS, PETG, Nylon, and more!


  • 160mm x 160mm - Robo3D C2, Robo3D E3, Monoprice MP Voxel, LulzBot Mini 2, Monoprice Mini Delta, FlashForge Finder, Deezmaker Bukito, TierTime UP Mini 2 ES
  • 200mm x 200mm - MP 10 Mini, CR-20, Monoprice Maker Ultimate, Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus, Kodak Portrait,
  • 247mm x 160mm - Dremel DigiLab 3D20, FlashForge Dreamer, FlashForge Creator PRO, FlashForge Inventor
  • 220mm x 220mm - Ender 3, Ender 3 Pro, Ender-5, Ultimaker 2+, Ultimaker 3, Ultimaker 3 Extended
  • 250mm x 235mm - Prusa i3 MK3S, ZMorph VX, Dremel DigiLab 3D40, Dremel DigiLab 3D45, MakerGear M3, CraftBot Plus, MakerGear M2, Ultimaker 2+, Ultimaker 2+ Extended, Pulse 3D Printer
  • 300mm x 300mm - LulzBot Taz 6, LulzBot Taz Pro, Zortrax M300 Plus, Craftbot XL, CR-10, CR-10S, CR-10S Pro, CR-10 Mini, Raise3D N2, Monoprice Delta Pro, Monoprice MP10, BCD3D Sigma R19
  • 350mm x 350mm - MAKEiT PRO-L, Raise 3D Pro2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, Ultimaker S5, CraftBot 3


  • 3 x GeckoTek EZ-Stik sheets


  • Clean your print bed to ensure it is clear of dust and debris.
  • Use scissors to carefully trim down the edges of the EZ-Stik Build Surface sheet to custom fit onto your print bed.
  • Remove the protective backing to reveal the adhesive side of the EZ-Stik sheet.
  • Starting at one edge, press the sheet onto your 3D printer’s bed and smooth down with fingers or a credit card towards the edges to push out air bubbles
  • You should re-level your printer's build platform after installing EZ-Stik. GeckoTek recommends that you start with a slightly higher Z home position than you normally use and move it down as needed.
  • It is recommended that this build surface is wiped down with Isopropyl alcohol after 5-10 prints.
  • *Metal scrapers or other metal tools are NOT recommended for use with GeckoTek EZ-Stik Build Surfaces. Plastic scrapers or flex plates are more appropriate.

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Is it possible to get a 220 mm X 270 mm or 8.66 in by 10.62 in Variant of this??

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Is this compatible with the Raise3d Pro2 Plus build plate?

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Will this work for MakeIt Pro-L?

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Whats the temperature limit on these? I have one and im getting bubbles between the spring steel and the build surface while printing ABS, I have my bed temp at 100°C

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Hi, is this different from the Flexplate system or is it replacements for the Flexplate system? Is this removable or will it stay adhere to the aluminum plate? I am looking to upgrade from blue tape to something a bit less wasteful. Thanks!

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Does this one fit to AnyCubic Mega-X?

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Can these be cut? I have a new sovol01 and it has a different bed size than the ones you sell 300x280

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I have a BIQU Thunder printer. The heated printbed is 12"x12". So the Printer Build Surface is all I need to order? 3-pack is too many but that's OK.

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Any problem with this fitting the 300x300 build area of a Wanhao Duplicator 9 MK 2? Also how are they applied to the existing build surface and are they easily removable?

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Does this fit the Raise N2 Plus Printer? I heard they require 13x13.

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could i use these on the Lulzbot taz 6

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Can I use induction sensors with buildtak?

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Could these sheets to be used on for the Z18 Makerbot machines? Also, do they have any adhesive in the back of them to adhere to the build plate?

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Is there a specific temperature the heated bed needs to be cooled to for part removal? Or is that based on the filament rather than the bed material?

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does this work with PLA

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Do I still need to apply ABS slurry to help ABS stick?

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How thick is it? 12 x 12

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