MatterHackers LayerLock Build Plate for 13.78" x 13.78"

LayerLock Build Plate offers the flexibility to print with a variety and multitude of different build surfaces, while also providing the convenience of print removal via bending the build plate rather than using sharp print removal tools.

Top LayerLock Build Plate Features:
• Print With a Variety of Build Surface Types
• Switch Between Multiple Build Surfaces Anytime
• Print Removal Made Easier Without Sharp Tools
• Detach Surfaces off Build Plates Instead of Beds

This product requires your printer to have a magnetic base installed in order to properly use this build plate as intended. Wait for the plate to cool before touching it if printing on a heated bed above 60°C.

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Product No. M-7A8-X8HE



LayerLock Build Plate streamlines the 3D printing experience by offering the flexibility to print with a variety and multitude of different build surfaces, while also providing the convenience of print removal via bending the build plate rather than using sharp print removal tools.

Key Features of LayerLock Build Plate: 

  • Print With a Variety of Build Surface Types
  • Switch Between Multiple Build Surfaces Anytime With Multiple Plates
  • Detach Surfaces off Build Plates Instead of Beds
  • Print Removal Made Easier Without Sharp Tools

Flexible Build Surface Options

LayerLock Build Plate allows you to print with any common printing build surface of your preference by giving you a blank plate to attach to the surface, making it easier to succeed with any filament by using the right build surface for it.

  • Attach any common printing build surface onto the plate
  • Succeed more when using filament-specific build surfaces
  • Go back to any surface used previously when having multiple plates on hand
Beautiful NylonX printed on a LayerLock Garolite build surface

Thermoformed Braces

Maintain High Uptime With Multiple Plates

Having multiple LayerLock Build Plates greatly reduces downtime caused by typical 3D printing issues such as needing to replace the build surface, having trouble removing the printed part, and needing to let the surface cool before removing the print.

  • Reduce downtime with multiple build plates on hand
  • Print with a new plate while replacing a damaged build surface on another
  • Let one build plate cool off for filaments sensitive to heat while another is printed on

Remove Prints Safely

No sharp tools are necessary—safely remove prints with a simple flex of the build plate and prints will lift right off the surface.

  • No danger of accidental knicks with a sharp removal tool.
  • Easily remove prints with a simple bend
  • Quickly get parts off the build surface 
A NylonX print successfully printed on a LayerLock Garolite Build Surface for the Ultimaker 3D printer

What Sizes are Available for LayerLock Build Plate?

Length x Width Printer Compatibility*
13.78" x 13.78" (350mm x 350mm)
*plus 10mm along length for tabs

*This is compatibility in terms of size. It is up to the user to confirm that their printer has the space and necessary magnetic base to properly use this build plate.

LayerLock Build Plate Technical Specifications

  • Build Plate Material: Spring Steel
  • Recommended Max Operating Temperature: 120°C (248°F)
    • CAUTION: If printing at a heated bed temperature ABOVE 60°C or you are sensitive to heat, please use heat-resistance gloves or wait until the build plate has cooled before touching the build plate.
  • Thickness: 0.016" (0.4 mm)
  • Surface Area: See Table above for surface areas of specific options.
  • Build Surface Compatibility:
  • Tip: Do not over-flex the build plate for your safety and to maximize the product's lifespan. For large prints, we recommend flexing enough to get a corner or two off the build plate, then manually pulling the rest of the print off the plate.


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