MatterHackers LayerLock SLA Resin 3D Printing Build Surface for AnyCubic Photon Mono X (Pack of 3)

LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene increases successful additive manufacturing of low friction, print-to-production parts via its chemical makeup.

Top LayerLock for Polypropylene Features:
Ideal for Polypropylene & OBC - Polypropylene & OBC stick very well
Decrease Warping - Minimize warps that are notorious with this material
Save on Resources - Save time, money, and materials lost from frequently failed prints

To easily remove polypropylene prints off your build surface, we suggest pairing bed adhesion solutions for polypropylene with our LayerLock Build Surface. Solutions by Magigoo and Smart Materials are recommended.

Price: $36.00 (with add-ons)
Availability: In Stock
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Price $36.99 $36.99 View Addon »
Product No. M-VRW-APHR
Printer Compatibility: LulzBot TAZ Pro/S/XT



LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene delivers reliable strong bed adhesion with polypropylene and OBC 3D printing materials for increased additive manufacturing success.

Key Features of LayerLock for Polypropylene: 

  • Ideal for Printing Polypropylene and OBC Filaments
  • Decreases Warping
  • Increases number of successful prints

Designed to Succeed with Polypropylene

By maintaining a tight grip on that first layer, LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene overcomes the complications that come with semi-crystalline quality materials.

  • Designed with Polypropylene and OBC filaments in mind
  • Significantly reduces chances of warping
  • Combining this surface with Magigoo or SmartMaterials' bed adhesion solutions is recommended
Spools of OBC filament with OBC 3D printed parts of a contact lens case and storage bottle on a LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene

Contact lens case printed out of OBC filament on a LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene

Gain Confidence With New Materials

LayerLock for Polypropylene reduces warping with these high-strength, chemical-resistant materials so you can confidently explore and succeed with more than just PLA and ABS.

  • Confidently start printing with new materials like OBC and polypropylene
  • Minimize difficulties from the get-go with the right bed surface
  • Find relief in saving time, money, and resources due to reduced failures from warping and weak adhesion

Produce Sturdier FDM Printed Prototypes

Polypropylene and OBC are fantastic materials for prototyping parts that also use the same material in the final product. LayerLock for Polypropylene makes it easier to produce sturdier prints out of an advanced material capable of testing a part's true capabilities.

  • Comfortably use a filament that's used in most end-use everyday products
  • Produce more prototypes that have awesome qualities such as:
    • High-strength
    • Extreme resistance to fatigue
    • High chemical resistance
  • Worry less about warp in printing so you can focus on designing and engineering
Small storage case printed out of carbon fiber OBC filament on a LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene attached to a Pulse 3D Printer

What Materials are Compatible with LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene?

Compatible Material Additional Adhesive Recommended*

*Compatible filaments stick to this surface so well that it's recommended to apply an additional adhesive to make print removal easier. See recommended Bed Adhesion Solutions via the Add-Ons when adding to cart.

How Do You Install and Maintain LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene?


  • Clean your build plate with isopropyl alcohol.
  • Remove the adhesive liner on the back of the LayerLock sheet
  • Attach and align the sheet onto the build plate
  • Calibrate Z-height
  • Level print bed

That's it! You're ready to print.


  • Apply some kind of Polypropylene Bed Adhesion Solution before printing (one application typically lasts for a couple of prints).
  • If there's debris, dust, or residue on the print surface, wipe it clean with a paper towel or lint-free cloth.
    • Use a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on the towel/cloth if necessary.


Loss of Strong Bed Adhesion?

  • Make sure printer is turned off.
  • Pour a small pool of warm water on the build surface's print area
    • Make sure no water goes near the electronics
  • Remove the adhesive with a spatula until the surface is clean
  • Wipe away excess water.
  • Repeat steps as necessary until all leftover bed adhesion solution has been removed.

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What Sizes are Available for LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene?

Length x Width** Printer Compatibility*
9" x 10" (228mm x 254mm)
11.8" x 11.8" (300mm x 300mm)
13.07" x 13.39" (332mm x 340mm)

*This is compatibility in terms of size. It is up to the user to confirm that their printer has the necessary magnetic base to properly use this build plate.

**These sheets can be cut down to size. Please use caution when using tools such as art knives and utility knives. You may need to the blade over the cut a few times before successfully cutting through the sheet and adhesive.

LayerLock Build Surface for Polypropylene Technical Specifications

  • Operating Temperature: Up to 190°F (~87.78°C)
  • Size & Thickness Tolerance: +/- 0.015"
  • Thickness: 0.033" (0.84mm)
  • Surface Area: Varies. See Table above for surface areas of specific options.

Questions View All Responses

do I need to do anything to the surface of the BuildTak PEI before printing?

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How thick is the sheet?

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Is there a reason why three are shipped vs five on the (BuildTak) site.

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Is there a bed temperature limit on this PEI sheet?

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Is there a protective layer on both sides of the pei sheet? Or is the only thing that needs to be removed on the printing side the sticker that says "remove before printing"?

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Completely useless in the whatever units you are using. What is it in metric?

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Do sheets already have adhesive to stick to bed?

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Do you still need to use something like ABS juice when printing ABS with this, or is this sheet enough to get good bed adhesion?

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Can these sheets be cut to size? I have a Bibo2 with a glass plate, 8.4" x 7.3".

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So i bought the BuildTak 3D Printer PEI Build Surface 9" x 10" (Pack of 3). I didn't know that it wasn't a plate. My question is would you advise i put the surface on my current build teck plate or buy a new plate to put these surfaces on. ( will the new surface destroy the build tech surface that comes on the plate originally? )

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