MatterHackers MatterHackers Fidget Spinner

MatterHackers Digital Designs are easy to access and ready to print within MatterControl.

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Although the Twitch Block is almost a year old, fidget spinners are all the rage now; from your neighbor to your grandma, everyone wants a fidget spinner. Our team has been testing these and constantly refining them as they see fit, changing tolerances and trying to eliminate any non-printed features.

Now presenting, the MatterHackers Fidget Spinner

Printing Instructions:

Some of these spinners were designed with 3D printed bearings already printed in place. With tolerances between the parts well adjusted for most printers, you can create a fidget spinner in one print. If the bearings are stuck to the spinner, print the "Key" to break them loose.

You can either print the "Full Set" of either version of the spinner, or you can print each piece in different colors if you'd like that too.

"Spinner without Bearings," "LargeBoltCap," and "LargeNutCap" all assemble together to form one complete spinner. You can either print four sets of caps or just one for the center for a different feel.

"Spinner with Bearings," "Bolt Cap," and "Nut Cap" assemble together to form a different spinner. With this spinner, you can either print four caps or print one and use three M8 nuts as counterweights.

Price: FREE
License: License To Make
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