PolyMaker Polymaker Polysher - 3D Print Finishing Machine

The Polysher by Polymaker is a desktop-sized solution that can streamline your 3D print post-processing efforts by removing layer lines using alcohol vaporization. Employing Polymaker’s Layer-Free technology, the Polysher creates a fine mist of isopropyl alcohol around your 3D print, which smooths the model and virtually removes visible layer lines. This leaves your 3D prints with a smooth finish every time.

Compatible only with Polymaker’s PolySmooth Filament
*Isopropyl alcohol not included

List Price: $299.00
Price: $299.00
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Product No. M-MK8-EQZZ


The Polymaker Polysher, along with PolySmooth 3D printing filament, brings you a simple experience that creates a low barrier for entry into the world of post-processing 3D prints. Place a model 3D printed with Polymaker’s PolySmooth PVB-based filament inside the Polysher, set the timer, and watch as mist fills the chamber and your 3D print is smoothed! The Polysher will fill with vaporized isopropyl alcohol and completely cover the part. The polishing process usually takes a half hour to an hour, depending on the size of the 3D print you are smoothing. The Polymaker Polysher automatically rotates your part to ensure an even polish, and the textured surface for your 3D print is raised to make ensure the vapor gets underneath your 3D print as well.

Need PolySmooth filament? Buy yours today!


  • Compatible Materials: Polymaker PolySmooth ONLY - the isopropyl alcohol has no effect on PLA.
  • Polishing Liquid: Isopropyl Alcohol, 70% or higher (90% or higher recommended)
  • Polishing Time: 20-40 minutes depending on 3D print size, alcohol concentration, and ambient temperature
  • Product Dimensions: 230 x 270 x 370mm
  • Maximum Part Size: 150mm diameter x 180mm tall
  • Operating Temperature: 15 – 32 °C
  • Storage Temperature: 0 – 38 °C
  • The Polysher is constructed from ABS, and so attempting to use acetone with the Polysher to smooth ABS parts will destroy the machine - you have been warned.

Leia would have left him in if he looked this good!

The left part is fresh off the printer, the right is after 25 minutes in the Polysher with 90% Isopropyl Alcohol

Questions View All Responses

I currently am running PETG. The print I'm running is very simple and I'm trying to understand if this will simply remove the lines or will it remove small imperfections as well. Also, how does PVB (Ploysmooth) compare to PETG. It would be great to talk with someone about this product for a few minutes to make certain it will do what I want before I make the investment.

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Will it work with the Creality Ender 3 Pro?

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The item comes out dull and not shiny, what happened?

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What is the return policy?

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So if you don't want to print in black, white, or clear, the only color option is blue? The cow print they use in marketing has several more colors. Will ?you ever sell them?

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Hello, whats the Build volume? do you have europe Reseller? How much precision of parts will be affected? A mate finhih is possible? thanks

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Only black and white?

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I'm interested in this for future applications. What's the timeline on more colors for the PolySmooth filament?

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How many pieces/instances can you use one nebulizer for? Do you know the shelf life of the nebulizers? Can a nebulizer sit for weeks after one use and still be used again, etc? Can you put multiple pieces in at one time - such as 4 chess pieces?

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What else materials can be used in it other than PLA? And not ABS of course.

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Why so expensive?

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does it work with other materials that is not "polysmooth"

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Will there be other colors of PolySmooth available besides black and white? The video shows there are other colors...

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