MatterHackers Quantum - Calibration Coin

MatterHackers Digital Designs are easy to access and ready to print within MatterControl.

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Design Files (1)
MatterHackers Quantum - Calibration Coin.stl
MatterHackers Quantum - Calibration Coin.stl
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Use this alignment coin to calibrate exactly where the color change line is on your specific printer and filament setup. The angle will be different for every printer setup, but we have found that if the printer and filament stay in the same orientation, the alignment doesn't change from spool to spool.

Price: FREE
License: License To Make
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What size nozzle should I use I meant to say I got harden steel nozzles but size I've been using .06 and prints start off good then they fail

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What type and size nozzle should I use for this filament

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What grade of steel is used for the steel particles/powder?

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