E3D E3D Ceramic Heater Cartridge 24v 40w

Providing adequate heat to your 3D printer hotend is vital to consistent extrusion and high-quality prints. These heater cartridges from E3D are perfect for use with any lite6, v6, or Volcano hotend and are available in either 12 or 24v to match your printer's power supply. 30w heaters are the standard and provide long-lasting, consistent performance. For quicker heat-up times, and especially recommended for Volcano users, the 40w version delivers additional power.

Price: $12.00 (with add-ons)
Availability: In Stock
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Product No. M-6NS-5S7N
Voltage: 24v
Wattage: 40w

Keep your hotend at peak performance with a genuine E3D Ceramic Heater Cartridge

These Ceramic Heater Cartridges from E3D are the standard heater for the lite6, v6, and also Volcano style hotends. They delivery consistent heating up to 300°C for use with all standard materials including PLA, ABS, PETG, Nylon, and flexibles like TPU and TPE. The electrical leads are insulated to increase the life of the heater and also to protect the wiring from these high temperatures. Whether you are new to 3D printing or upgrading an older machine with a brand new hotend, a Ceramic Heater Cartridge from E3D is an industry-standard component that will serve you for years to come.

12v 30w Heater Cartridge in beautiful blue

Get the most out of a great heater with proper PID settings

Even the best hardware can provide sub-par results if not backed up with good settings. Anytime you change components of a 3D Printer hotend, be sure to run through a PID tune procedure to update the configuration and maximize performance. P, I, and D are three values in a printer configuration that set exactly how much power is required to achieve a specific temperature with a given setup, and every single printer is going to have its ideal values. Configuring PID is very easy, simply follow along with our guide to get your new heater cartridge running better than ever.

24v 30v Heater Cartridge

Technical Specifications

  • Voltage: 12v OR 24v
  • Wattage: 30w OR 40w
  • Max Temperature: 300°C
  • Lead Length: 1000mm (1m)
  • Cartridge Length: 20mm
  • Cartridge Diameter: 6mm
  • Connector Type: E7508 Ferrules
  • Color Guide:
    • 12v 30w: Blue
    • 12v 40w: Red
    • 24v 30w: Yellow
    • 24v 40w: White
  • Download Engineering Diagram

Questions View All Responses

Is the 24v 30w a good replacement for the Ender 3 V2 stock heater cartridge. If so is there enough length in the cable to reach the board?

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Hello, Is the heater catridge isolated? I mean, can we connect it on the 1kV part? Thank you in advance.

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Will this heater cartridge work on the micro swiss hot end. I am replacing the current micro swiss hot end with a new one and will need the heater cartridge wire as well. Since the old hot end has a stripped allen screw and I cant remove the cartridge

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Is it the best HEATER CARTRIDGE for a Prusa MK3s ?

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Will this work on the Prusa Mini?

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Under the yellow connector the italicized specs states "24v 30v" this should be "24V 30W" as per your specs below.

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Does this come with the connector? If not, do you sell it?

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What is the gauge (awg) of these wires?

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Can you recommend what model/color I need for CR-10 mini heater / thermistor cartridge? Im not sure what to get it may not be compatible.

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I have a stock cr-10s pro. I assume its V1 as it does not come with the BLTouch. What cartridge will work? I want to upgrade the stock heat cartridge.

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My 30w 12v e3d Heater cartridge only makes it to about 245c when set to 285c, then will eventually activate thermal protection. Is this normal for a 30w? Do I need a 40?? (Hemera install) 450w MW power supply to 13.5v.

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OK so I have this connected to my hotend but how do I connect it to the power source? where or what do I do with the end not attached to the hotend to make it work?

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8bit Pulse xe take 30 or 40 what

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What voltage is the Pulse XE Nylon?

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Do the wires have any polarity to them? I'm about to install/solder the pins, but I'm unsure if there is a +/- to them. I have a Tevo Tornado printer, I can see it's pins 1 and 2 for the yellow heater wires, but unsure if it matters which goes where.

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