The satisfaction of having a 3D print stick to the bed and finish perfectly is a great feeling. For many newcomers to 3D printing, getting the first layer just right to get proper bed adhesion can be a nuisance, especially if the bed is mismatched with the material being printed. Being able to easily remove finished 3D prints and maintaining a solid grip on parts still in progress can be a delicate balance. Luckily, LayerLock has your back and can render these problems obsolete thanks to the available build surface options designed to improve your experience and work in tandem with some of the toughest materials to print, yet still work nicely with fan-favorite filaments like PLA and PETG.

Let's break it down-

LayerLock MagBase

3D printers tend to come with either a glass build plate or some textured sheet adhered to the bed for bed adhesion, but that requires jabbing at the beautiful new print with a putty knife or spatula, potentially marring the surface or even the print. By installing LayerLock MagBase and using a flexible spring steel build surface, you can easily change out your surface to match the material you are printing and you can flex the spring steel sheets to release 3D prints with ease. 

By installing a LayerLock Magbase, you can easily swap out your build surface to match the material you are printing.
By installing a LayerLock Magbase, you can easily swap out your build surface to match the material you are printing.

LayerLock Powder Coated PEI

Now that you have your magnetic base, you need something to print on: the LayerLock Powder Coated PEI Build Plates. These sturdy spring steel sheets can be flexed to pop off prints as soon as the job is finished, no cooldown time needed, and placed right back onto the MagBase ready for the next print. By powder coating the PEI, the benefit is twofold: PEI is a fantastic build surface material that grips onto prints when hot and releases when cold, even without flexing,  and the powder coating process introduces a unique texture to your print’s bottom surface that help hide the telltale signs that an object was 3D printed. And every LayerLock Powder Coated PEI Build Surface is double-sided too!

Not only does the textured surface of LayerLock Powder Coated PEI provide extra grip for 3D prints, it also introduces a unique pattern to the bottom surface of the prints.
Not only does the textured surface of LayerLock Powder Coated PEI provide extra grip for 3D prints, it also introduces a unique pattern to the bottom surface of the prints.

Layerlock Garolite and Polypropylene

When you need to print with engineering grade materials like NylonX carbon fiber-infused nylon, polypropylene, or Dow Chemical's OBC, you need to know that your prints are going to finish without failure, with build plate adhesion playing a key role. LayerLock Garolite and Polypropylene build surfaces are the ideal surfaces designed to succeed with these industrial materials. Garolite is a unique, fiberglass composite that has been found to work extremely well with nylon, and other nylon composites like NylonG and can counter the normal warping struggles users might encounter. Polypropylene and the similar OBC are known to be almost completely resistant to bed adhesive solutions except for build surfaces made of polypropylene. With just a little application of Magigoo PP as a release agent, you can reliably print these two complex materials on LayerLock Polypropylene with ease.

Higher grade materials like nylon or carbon fiber filled NylonX necessitates using specific build surfaces like LayerLock Garolite.
Higher grade materials like nylon or carbon fiber filled NylonX necessitates using specific build surfaces like LayerLock Garolite.

It’s time to graduate from painter’s tape and spatulas and try a professional solution with LayerLock’s flexible and varied capabilities. To learn more and to order your LayerLock build surface today, checkout the collection here.