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Girl Scouts and STEM in 3D Printing
Chris Morgan
Mar 7, 2018
Girl Scout Troop 3288 comes to MatterHackers HQ to earn the Product Design badge for their STEM program!
Girl Scout Troop 3288 Visits MatterHackers HQ One of the emerging ideas in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Cub Scouts is the involvement of STEM in their badge programs and education. Traditionally, these programs have been focused on community service, building young women and men of character, and giving them a wide range of learning opportunities through the earning of badges and other awards. ...
3D Printing in Education: Beyond STEM
Mara Hitner
Apr 26, 2016
Many educators think that 3D printers are only used in math and science classes. Not true! Meet two educators who are getting creative with 3D printing in the classroom and achieving breakthrough results in both K-12 and higher education settings.
Now that 3D printers have come down in price and size, one of the most exciting applications of the technology has been in the classroom. When I mention “3D printing in education” one might immediately think of buzzwords like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) or STEAM (throw Arts in there) which are important competencies we want our kids to be proficient in....
How to Use Tinkercad - Free 3D Modeling Software
Jun 7, 2017
Learn how to use Tinkercad, the reliable and user-friendly 3D modeling software. Perfect for educators, students, and makers alike, Tinkercad will help take the ideas you have to printable form as smoothly as possible.
Overview: Educators and students will learn how to use the free, simple, online 3D design and 3D printing app, TinkerCAD. It’s a free, easy to use, 3D modeling program that doesn’t require any prior design experience, but can still be used to create helpful tactile and visual aides for teaching or can even be used by the students to develop their understanding of a subject, like design...
How One Educator is Using 3D Printing in the Classroom
Rhonda Grandy
Dec 19, 2016
Theater masks, rockets, e-NABLE hands and more - see how Ashley Ricart, our January Hacker of the Month, is using 3D printing in the classroom.
Ashley Ricart, our January Hacker of the Month, was first captivated by 3D printing technology around 2012. She originally went to school for character modeling, which eventually led to her discovery of 3D printing. Ricart, who is now a teacher, has been on a mission to implement 3D printing throughout her school - not just in STEM focused classes, but multiple courses, including Theater, English,...
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