Bambu Lab Bambu Lab High Temperature Plate (PEI) Spare Sheet

The Bambu Lab High Temperature Plate (PEI) Spare Sheet is a versatile and essential accessory when using Bambu Lab X1 and P1 Series printers. This high-temperature PEI sheet offers excellent adhesion for a wide range of materials, including PLA, PETG, ABS, TPU, PC, ASA, and PA. With a surface temperature resistance of up to 200°C and a usable print size of 256 x 256 mm, it provides flexibility for various printing projects. The sheet is easy to install and replace, ensuring a smooth printing surface that enhances first-layer quality.

List Price: $29.00
Price: $29.00
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Product No. M-M2L-DL0M

Note this page is for the Bambu Lab SHEETS.
Click here for Bambu Lab PLATES.

Spare Sheet for Bambu Build Plate

Bambu Lab produces sheets with an adhesive side as spares/replacements for your High Temperature PEI Plates.

Key Features of the Spare Sheet for Bambu Lab Build Plate:

  • Perfect for PLA, PETG, ABS, TPU, PC, ASA and PA
  • Delivers excellent adhesion
  • Easy to replace and install
  • Use glue stick with sheets where recommended
  • Compatible with both Bambu Lab X1 and P1 Series

Click here for the Bambu Lab Sticker Applicator STL.

Features of the High Temp PEI Spare Sheet for Bambu Lab Build Plate

Application: Print All Compatible Materials
First Layer Surface Finish: Smooth
Product Lifespan: Consumable
Compatible Materials:PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU, PC, PA (Nylon), PVA, ASA
Note(s): Requires heated bed, Low glass transition temperature materials sensitivity2

What Are the Installation Steps for the Bambu Sheet & Build Plate?

Step 1 - Remove Sheet

Remove the old sheet on the build plate.

Removing old Bambu sheet off the Bambu Lab build plate
Applying cleaner on Bambu Lab build Plate

Step 2 - Apply Cleaner

Apply alcohol or detergent & water mix to the bare build plate.

  • Isopropyl or anhydrous ethanol alcohol with a concentration of 90% or more is ideal.

Step 3 - Wipe Clean

Wipe the build plate clean of the cleaner and debris using a microfiber cloth.

Wiping cleaner off Bambu Lab build plate
Aligning and attaching Bambu Lab build Plate onto the fixture

Step 4 - Align to Fixture

Once the surface is dry and clean, align and attach the build plate to the Bambu Lab Sticker Applicator fixture.

  • Maker sure the edge of the plate is aligned to to the edge of the fixture (red line shown in photo).
  • This fixture is not required, but it can make the application process much easier.

Step 5 - Remove Film

Remove the clear film off the build sheet.

  • The clear film is on the side you will be printing on.
Clear film being removed from the Bambu Lab Cool sheet
Peel part of the white adhesive liner off of the Bambu Lab Cool sheet

Step 6 - Peel

Peel a quarter or half of the white adhesive liner off the back of the build sheet.

  • It is not recommended to peel off the entire liner at this step because there is a larger margin for error as opposed to taking a slow and steady approach.

Step 7 - Align & Attach

Align the sheet to the Bambu Lab Sticker Applicator fixture (the build plate from Step 4 should still be attached to the fixture) and then attach the sheet onto the build plate. Make sure the edges stay aligned with the fixture (red line in photo).

  • Use your finger to stick the sheet onto the build plate.
  • Proceed to Step 8 when you've ensured there are no air bubbles between the sheet and plate.
Align the partly peeled sheet to the fixture and then attach it to the Bambu Lab build plate making sure to stay aligned with the edge of the fixture
Press Cool sheet onto the Bambu Lab build Plate

Step 8 - Press & Remove

Use the Bambu Lab Sticker Applicator fixture in one hand to slowly press the sheet onto the plate while simultaneously using the other hand to remove the white adhesive liner.

Step 9 - Last Looks

Once applied, confirm there are no air bubbles between the sheet and plate before attempting to use it.

  • If there are air bubbles, it's highly recommended to remove them before use as it will likely lead to some issues down the line.
Bambu Lab Build Plate with a Cool sheet attached, no air bubbles
Bambu Lab Cool Plate being aligned in a Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 3D Printer

Step 10 - Align Plate

Align the plate along the fixed points of the platform with the name of the plate facing you.

Step 11 - Lower & Secure

Lower the plate and secure it to the magnetic platform.

Bambu Cool Plate on the build platform of a Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 3D Printer

Please note that once a sheet has been removed from the Engineering Plate, it is not recommended to reapply that same sheet. A new sheet will need to be applied.

Recommended High Temperature Plate Settings

Material Hotbed
Glue Stick
Upper Glass Cover Plate Removed?
PLA/PLA-CF/PLA-GF 45 - 60℃ Recommended Yes
ABS 90 - 100℃ Recommended No
PETG 80℃ Yes Yes
TPU 35℃ Recommended Yes
ASA 90 - 100℃ Recommended No
PVA 45 - 60℃ Recommended Yes
PC/PC-CF 100 - 110℃ Yes No
PA/PA-CF/PAHT-CF 100 - 110℃ Yes No

What Are the Technical Specifications for the High Temperature Spare Sheet for Bambu Lab Build Plate?

Compatibility: X1 Series, P1 Series
Usable Print Size: 256 x 256 mm
Surface Temperature Resistance: Up to 200℃
Sticker Thickness:0.4mm


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