Using 3D Printing To Help Students Understand Cultural Diversity
3D printing lesson created by educator Jackie Derr that allows students to discuss their diverse background while gaining knowledge and understanding of their fellow classmates
Our society today is fortunate to be surrounded by many different cultures, religions and races. In order to be the best that we can possibly be, one must be aware of the cultural diversity that surrounds us. This lessons allows students to discuss their own cultures, heritage, etc. while gaining knowledge and understanding of their fellow classmates. Students will then discuss what classifies an object to be an ornament, followed by using a 3D design program to design their own ornament. Once the ornaments are printed, students will present their ornament to the class explaining the significance behind it.
• Learn about cultural diversity
• Learn about fellow classmates various cultures, religions, etc.
• Learn about what an ornament can represent
• Use Tinkercad to design an ornament
Suggested Grade Level
6th to 8th grade
Applicable Subjects
• Mathematics
• Art
• Engineering
• Language Arts
• Technology
Tools and Materials Needed
• Computer
• 3D Design Software
• .STL Files
• 3D Printer
• Filament
• Markers
• Paper
• Pencil
• Ornament Samples
Standards Addressed (Common Core and State of Ohio)
English Language Arts Standards:
Comprehension and Collaboration:
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Math Standards:
Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.
Draw construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.
Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle.
Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures, as in plane sections of right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids.
Design and Technology Standards:
Topic 2: Identify a problem and use an engineering design process to solve the problem.
• Identify and explain why effective designs develop from non-linear, flexible application of the design process.
Topic 3: Explain how technology, society, and the individual impact one another.
• Explain how new technology development is driven by factors such as commercialization, creative/inventive thinking, and cultural/historical influence.
Topic 4: Evaluate designs using functional, aesthetic and creative elements.
• Examine the progression of a product to identify how the functional, aesthetic and creative elements were applied.
• Analyze environments or products that are examples of the application of the principles of universal or inclusive design.
• Apply the design principle “form follows function” to develop a product.
Lesson - Activity one
1. Introduce the activity as a design challenge. Do NOT introduce it as a cultural diversity
• Present the students with the following statement “Today’s design challenge is going to be for you to design an ornament”. Then pause!!! An amazing thing will happen.
• I guarantee a student will say “You mean a Christmas ornament?”
• DO NOT respond…Wait For It…Another student will end up saying “What if we don’t celebrate Christmas?”
• BAM - your lesson in diversity begins!! AMAZING CONVERSATIONS!
2. Allow students to share about their culture, religion, etc.
• You’ll be amazed at how quiet the room is and how focused the kids are as they listen to each other!
3. Discuss what ornaments are.
• Anything that can be hung
• Hang from car mirror, window, tree, ceiling, etc.
• Show examples of ornaments that have been made.
4. Remind students that we live in a diverse society - if we just open our eyes and ears, we can learn so much about others. It’s quite fascinating to learn about different cultures, religions,
races, etc.
5. Pass out a sheet of paper to each student.
• Students will use the paper to:
• Draw a sketch of the ornament they will design using the 3D design software.
• Write a brief description of the meaning behind their ornament.
6. Closing: The next step in the lesson will be to design the ornament using Tinkercad.
Lesson - Activity two
1. Introduce the activity:
• Students will use Tinkercad to design their ornament.
2. Lead an interactive group discussion around the use of Tinkercad:
• Reminders:
• Check the size of your pieces so they not so thin they break (I recommend at least 1/4” thick). Show examples of good and bad designs.
• When connecting pieces, double check them so pieces do not fall apart.
• Remind students of the maximum size their final piece can be (due to length of
printing time and size of print bed).
3. Students will begin designing their ornament!
• Depending on the skill level and speed of your class, you will need to determine how many days you’d like to allow for the design process.
4. Closing: The next step in the lesson will be exporting the design so the ornament can be printed.
Lesson - Activity Three
1. Introduce the activity:
• Students will export their design as an STL file and begin printing their ornaments.
• Students will learn how the 3D printer works if they haven’t already done so.
2. Show students how to export their design as an STL file.
3. Explain the printing process.
4. Print student ornaments.
5. As the ornaments are printing, students can work on their presentation portion the assignment (Activity Four).
Lesson - Activity Four
1. Introduce the activity:
• Students will use markers to add color to their ornaments and begin working on their presentation.
2. Explain to students they should only use permanent markers to enhance the looks of their ornaments.
3. Once their ornament is finished, students should prepare to present to the class the meaning behind their ornament. Students may also share an interesting fact about their cultural or religious background
Lesson - Activity Five
1. Introduce the activity:
• Students will present their ornament in front of the class
2. Remind students about being respectful to others.
3. Have each student present the meaning behind their ornament as well as one interesting fact about their cultural or religious background.
4. Build on students’ ideas/comments by pointing out various examples within our own school/ community. Remind them again hat we live in a diverse society - if we just open our eyes and ears, we can learn so much about others. It’s quite fascinating to learn about different cultures, religions, races, etc.
5. Closing: Celebrate the variety of backgrounds in our own classroom - how amazing we all are if we just work together!
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